What Is Reiki And How Can It Help Me?

Reiki Energy Healing Treatments For Holistic Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a common but serious illness that affects millions of people throughout the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, approximately 537 million people on the planet were suffering from diabetes in 2021, and the number is increasing every year. A number of treatments exist for diabetes, but the condition continues to cause problems for people everywhere, often worsening over time. Fortunately, recent research has shown that Reiki energy healing treatments as a holistic diabetes management tool, may be beneficial to individuals struggling with this condition.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the pancreas stops producing sufficient amounts of insulin or when the body becomes unable to use the insulin produced effectively. This forces the amount of sugar in the blood to increase, which causes serious damage to the body’s organ systems. Left unchecked, diabetes can lead to many serious complications and adverse effects.

To control diabetes, medical professionals recommend a variety of strategies. Most people with diabetes are encouraged to check their blood sugar on a regular basis and keep a record of patterns. People with diabetes may also take oral medications, injectable medications, and/or insulin. In addition, diabetes patients may benefit from changes to their diet, as well as regular exercise.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic Japanese origin therapy based on the concept of energy flow. A practitioner performing Reiki uses touch and specific hand positions to encourage the flow of the client’s energy, dissolving energy blockages and facilitating the body’s natural healing response. The belief behind this treatment is that discomfort and illness are the results of blocked or disturbed energy pathways within the body. The goal of Reiki holistic energy healing treatments is to restore normal flow to these pathways, thus assisting in improving the client’s physical condition.

During a holistic Reiki energy healing session, a practitioner places both of his or her hands in specific positions and touches the client lightly. Alternatively, the practitioner may also hold his or her hands a few inches above the client. The practitioner may change the position of his or her hands up to 15 times during the session, holding each position for up to five minutes.

Reiki energy healing treatments as a holistic diabetes management technique may help in the following ways:

Reduction of stress

High-stress levels often lead to blood sugar imbalances. Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management may help to lower stress levels, which could help lower the client’s blood sugar as well.

Improved sleep

Poor sleep habits may exacerbate the symptoms of diabetes. Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management combats this problem by creating a relaxed state thus improving the quality of sleep.

Alleviation of depression

Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management may improve the mood of the client and relieve the symptoms of depression. With a better outlook on life, the client is more likely to make healthy decisions and adhere to the doctor’s instructions regarding the management of his or her diabetes symptoms. In addition, the elevation of the mood may aid the body as it tries to maintain normal blood sugar levels on its own.

Reduced pain sensations

People with diabetes often experience pain related to diabetic neuropathy. Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management may help to reduce pain sensitivity, providing clients with relief from these uncomfortable symptoms.

Reiki energy healing treatments as a holistic diabetes management tool is non-invasive and causes virtually no side effects, making it a safe choice for any individual with diabetes.

Research on Reiki for Diabetes

Research focusing on Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management and its effects is ongoing. However, some studies have already explored the relationship between Reiki and diabetes.

Effectiveness of Reiki Energy Healing Treatments For Diabetic Neuropathy

A 2007 diabetic neuropathy study demonstrated that Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management could be an effective treatment for the pain related to diabetic neuropathy. Patients in this study were divided into three groups: one that received no treatment, one that received a treatment that mimicked Reiki, and one that received true Reiki. Pain levels for patients in the group receiving true Reiki treatments improved considerably, while pain levels among patients in the other groups improved only slightly or not at all. These results indicate that Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management may be beneficial to patients who have pain related to diabetes.

Reiki’s Effect is Effective for Anxiety

Another research study did evaluations designed to determine if Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management could also be an effective holistic treatment for anxiety. This review found that the majority of studies performed showed a statistically significant improvement of anxiety symptoms among individuals who received Reiki treatments.

Based on these results, it stands to reason that Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management may also reduce anxiety among individuals who engage in treatment, including those with diabetes. This reduction in anxiety prevents stress-related increases in blood sugar. It may also indirectly affect diabetes by improving the mood of diabetic patients, which in turn causes them to be more proactive in the management of their diabetes.

Research on the effectiveness of Reiki energy healing treatments for holistic diabetes management is ongoing, but professionals in the field are optimistic. The potential for the use of Reiki and other holistic energy-based healing techniques for diabetes management is great. These therapies have very few side effects and are very safe.

Thinking about trying Reiki for your diabetes management? Book a session with DiaStrong provider Donna Cross today! 


http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs312/en/, http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/diacare/30/4/999.full.pdf, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4147026/, http://spectrum.diabetesjournals.org/content/14/3/149.full

“Reiki For Life-The Complete Guide To Reiki Practice for Level 1,2,3” by Penelope Quest Copyright 2016

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